Polystyrene White Hand Ring Display Jewelry Stand 8"

Polystyrene White Hand Ring Display Jewelry Stand 8" - Are you looking for where to buy Polystyrene White Hand Ring Display Jewelry Stand 8", if yes you need to read our Polystyrene White Hand Ring Display Jewelry Stand 8" review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
Polystyrene White Hand Ring Display Jewelry 8" Stand This is a new white polystyrene hand display Hang necklaces or bracelets off of this hand display and immediately draw your customers attention to them This is great to display jewelry at a show on in your store It measures approximately 4" x 8" (102 x 203 mm)

Product Details:

  • This is a new white polystyrene hand display
  • Hang necklaces or bracelets off of this hand display and immediately draw your customers attention to them
  • This is great to display jewelry at a show on in your store
  • It measures approximately 4" x 8" (102 x 203 mm)

Customer Reviews:

a bit small By under a tree
i like the hand length but the scale of the fingers are too tiny. skinny fingers. bitty fingertips. but i can still use it to display rings on.

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