Clear Acrylic 4 Tier Eyeglass Sunglasses Glasses Display Stand

Clear Acrylic 4 Tier Eyeglass Sunglasses Glasses Display Stand - Are you looking for where to buy Clear Acrylic 4 Tier Eyeglass Sunglasses Glasses Display Stand, if yes you need to read our Clear Acrylic 4 Tier Eyeglass Sunglasses Glasses Display Stand review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
New 4 Tier eyeglass display stand for jewelry showcase and countertops. Please noted that larger size glasses may not fit.

Please noted that the item is shipped from HONG KONG

Product Details:

  • 4 Tier eyeglass display stand
  • Clear Acrylic
  • It measures approximately 26.5cm (10 1/2") tall
  • Self assembly required.
  • Please noted that larger size glasses may not fit.

Customer Reviews:

Excellent choice. By PRINCE 1
Caution. if your glasses are too thick around nose area will not fit. Not may not. I say will not. Other than that its a excellent piece of art. Gr8 packaging and really clear pexi glass. nice.

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